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Mudra Metta


"Taking Care of You First...
Then Taking Care of Others"

Upcoming Events

Enjoy the grounding, relieving and exhilarating experience of a Thai Massage with Andie!

Andie offers both public and private yoga sessions.  Private group classes are also available. 

Create your own retreat!  Get a bit of wellness in the Sutton surroundings with Mudra Metta!


My Story

"Hi, I'm Andie!


Two of my passions are traveling and wellness.  I spent eleven years abroad, working, exploring and discovering the secrets that the world held about wellness and healing, the natural way...


If you'd like to learn more of my story, click on the link below...

What is My Mission?

My aim is to provide tools, demonstrate opportunities, and transform over-giving and exhaustion into

healthiness, and radiance.


"You cannot pour from an empty cup."


My desire is to encourage individuals to take care of themselves first (mudra)...and then others (metta).

Charities Supported in 2023

10% of all proceeds of Mudra Metta are given to charity.  In the past we've supported Maison des Jeunes in Sutton, Kiva (internationally), and Pleins Rayons in Cowansville.  This year we are supporting the following charities:

Sutton Food Bank

10% of proceeds from your Massages will be donated to the Sutton Food Bank, run out of CAB Sutton to make sure that everyone in the area has their basic dietary needs met. 

Dunham House

10% of proceeds from Yoga will be donated to Maison Dunham House, a local treatment centre for individuals suffering from mental health disorders.


10% of the proceeds from any Mudra Metta Retreats will be donated to Plan Canada, supporting refugees and helping them with their settlement into Canada.



I am located in different locations, depending on the day of the week and time.  See the calendar above for specific locations.


You can book a massage or yoga class according to my booking calendar, or you can request for me to come to your place (within 20km of Sutton).  Please let me know your address, date, time, and duration you would like if requesting an at home service, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

PHONE NUMBER: 450-330-1859


Thanks!  I'll get back to you soon!

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