Week 6:
(5th Chakra)
Throat Chakra
Being an over-giver or codependent is all about relationships. And in order for a relationship to be healthy, it needs to have good, healthy communication. The throat chakra is about sound, vibrations, and communication.
Vishuddhi Chakra
Activité facultative : créez vos propres drapeaux de chakra
Chaque semaine, nous allons fabriquer l'un des sept drapeaux de chakra. Le simple fait de ralentir et de se concentrer sur chaque chakra aide à aligner ce chakra. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais fortement recommandé.
Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous (Chakra imprimable) et imprimez le symbole du chakra.
Placez le papier imprimé et le rectangle de couleur correspondant sur une fenêtre et utilisez la lumière derrière pour tracer la forme sur votre drapeau
Ajoutez les affirmations qui résonnent en vous.
Une fois les sept drapeaux terminés, cousez-les sur votre ficelle ou cordon.
Accrochez-les dans votre espace sacré.
Si vous souhaitez ignorer les préparatifs et acheter un ensemble de drapeaux déjà installés et prêts à décorer, vous pouvez les obtenir ICI.
Throat Chakra Flag (Blue)
I am pure eternal consciousness.
I am aware.
I speak my truth.
I express my thoughts clearly.
I speak with clarity and confidence.
I embrace only the truth.
I am honest.
I speak clearly, truthfully, and powerfully.
I receive messages from the Universe.
I have a sharp mind.
I am mindful.
I am honest and authentic in my speech and actions.
I am a powerful manifestor.
I am a good listener.
I allow my true self to be seen.
My words are powerful.
I always stay true to myself.
Activité d'activation des chakras
Étapes d'action pour cette semaine
1. Set up an appropriate sound environment:
Eliminate noises that cause stress.
Practice producing sounds that resonate with you, using chanting, mantras or singing.
2. Practice effective communication:
Active Listening:
Ask a friend or partner to explain their feelings about…
A difficult experience
Their relationship issues
A current problem
Speaking your truth:
Try to speak about an issue that you feel strongly about
Write it down first
Summarize it, making it clear and concise
Practice speaking about it with the person it involves.
3. Do something creative!
Paint/draw something from your mind:
Write a song
Write some poetry
Try not to have a goal, just let something flow out of you!
4. Make your throat chakra flag (optional)
5. Do your chakra activation activity every day this week.